

    Rob Read - level 640

    Redland, Avon, ENG, O35
    Level confidence - 32% after last match, 22% now.

    Possible duplicates

    Thank you for letting us know about the duplicate player entries. The system has found an account registered with us for both players so their respective profiles can't be merged. If you know the player, please ask them to contact us to let us know which account they would like to keep and map to the combined player profiles.

    Level history - Last 10 matches


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    Head to head


    Player stats - Last 10 matches

    Matches played: 2 Won: 2 Lost: 0 Win ratio: 100% 
    Games played: 2 Won: 2 Lost: 0 Win ratio: 100% 
    Points played: 20 Won: 12 Lost: 8 Win ratio: 60% 
    Levels - Initial: 640, Year ago: TBD, Season start: TBD, Now: 640
    Change - Overall: 0%Last year: n/a, This season: n/a, Last match: 0%
    Last 4 - Level: 639, Level played at: 640, Trend: 0%
    Lowest level: n/a Highest level: n/a 
    Rankings - Redland: 61Avon: 59ENG: 35All: 59 

    Match history - Last 10 matches

    MatchOpponentGame scores Result
    Club match
    18 Jun 2024
    [Level 640  +0%]
    Level confidence: 10%
    Kathryn Green
    [Level 543  +0%]
    Level confidence: 37%
    6-4 1-0
    Club match
    11 Jun 2024
    [Level 639  +0%]
    Level confidence: 10%
    Kathryn Green
    [Level 543  +0%]
    Level confidence: 38%
    6-4 1-0