
    Squash Levels FAQ

    Squash Levels FAQ

    These are frequently asked questions for the Squash Levels site. Please look through these before contacting us as there is a good chance your question is already covered. If not, then please get in touch via this form and we can add your question to this list. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

    Please also take a look through the About this site page as that covers a lot of topics that may also help.

    What's in my feed?

    Your feed is personal to you and contains a combination of the information you have asked to see and what we think you would like to see. You can configure some of this via your Control Centre. As we continue to develop the site we'll continue to add to your feed so the following list is more of a guide than a comprehensive list though we'll try to keep it up-to-date:

    • Your most recent results.
    • The most recent results of the players you are following
    • Your testing PBs.
    • The testing PBs of the players you are following provided they have enabled them for sharing.
    • Your club rankings at the beginning of each month.
    • Player of the month announcements for your club.
    • Your latest win-streak if it's newsworthy!
    • The most recent win-streaks of the players you are following - also only if noteworthy...
    • News updates from your NGB.
    • News updates from our partners; the PSA, WSF and others. News updates will always be of interest and relevant
    • Offers from our partners. Again, these will always be relevant. We're not going to branch out to general advertsing. You'll need to go to Facebook for that...
    • Suggestions for players you might like to follow.

    If there is anything else you'd like to see in your feed, do let us know.

    What is a community?

    A community is a group of players who have something in common that brings them together. The most obvious examples are the auto-generated communities for club and counties/reqions but there are also other community types ranging from your teammates, the players you follow, a group of players that you define, a junior squad, PSA players, etc., etc.

    The great thing about the auto-generated communities is that if you are eligible to be in one, then you probably already are! I.e. if you play for or in a club then you will automatically be in that club's community and also the county/regional community that the club is in. You might also be in the federation community above that!

    You can access your communities either from the links in your footer (under MY COMMUNITIES) or from the community tab in your feed. Each of your communities will have its own page.

    Communities give you a lot of cool information specific to your community:

    • Rankings.
    • Most improved player.
    • Recent match results.
    • Test of the month leaderboards.
    • Win streaks.
    • News posts from the comunity admin. These can be made up of text, pictures and even Youtube links.

    A great note about the Youtube links is that they support Youtube live streaming so, if you have a Youtube account, you can pop your phone on the balcony or behind the glass and live steam your matches for the rest of your community to see!

    For the admins - you are the ones that can post! Once you have claimed your communithy (just get in touch wth us!) we can set you up as an admin and then you will see a FaceBook-like posting block at the top of your community page. Just click on that to get posting! Note you have a few controls available by clicking on the cog:

    • Pin to top - the post will be at the top of your community page and near the top of your players' feed.
    • Community tab only - the post will only be shown in the community page, not your players' feed.
    • Image on top - normally, for desktop, the image and text are side by side but if that doesn't work for your image then you can force it on top. It's always on top for mobile.
    • Email players - this causes an email to go out to all the players in the community who are registered and haven't disabled email! The email will give the title of your post and a link back to the site to view your content. Please use email sparingly!

    Note that your community members will always see a notification in their top menu for your post and they will see the post itself in their feed if not disabled via the controls above.

    Also note that only registered users can see your posts or visit your community page so do please encourage everyone to sign up. It's completely free!

    My name, club or other details are wrong. How do I change them?

    Your name and player details such as club, county, country and DoB are often received along with your results so if any of those are wrong then it's likely that they are wrong on the source system and should be corrected there. Once those details are corrected, they will come over with new results and then they will be updated on SquashLevels.

    An alernative is to correct your details directly on SquashLevels which can be done by clicking on the three dots at the top of your profile page which will take you to your player datails page. Here you can update any of your player details. You can also lock your details on SquashLevels so they are not updated by new results coming in which is a more permanent solution.

    Note you can only update your own details this way. You need admin permissions to be able to update other players.

    I was injured in my match. How do I stop this affecting my level?

    This is a common question as a very poor result can ding your level. There are limits to how much it can drop in one match but if you couldn't complete the match through injury it's probably not a fair representation of your level. This is a sensitive area because your opponent is equally effected and will lose out on what they probably think was a good result! For a result to be recorded as an injury at least one of the following must be true:

    • The result must clearly look like an injury with at least one game lost with zero points score.
    • Both team captains must agree that the result was affected by your injury. We need to hear from at least one of them.
    • Your opponent must agree that the result was affected by your injury. We need to hear from them.

    That way there is no arugument! This is a common request and quite often an apparently clear injury is recorded as such and then we receive a concerned email from the opponent.

    League Master has a flag that can be set in the results form but that can only be set by the league secretary. Please get in touch with them to set that flag. The flag will then be uploaded to SquashLevels along with the results. Note this flag can be applied (or removed) at any time.

    Badsquash has a flag that can be set by the team captain when entering the results. This can also be applied at any time.

    Because the systems above upload the injury flag along with the results, any injury must be recorded on the respective system. If it is recorded soley on SquashLevels then the flag will be overwritten next time the result is uploaded and the injury record will be lost. The other league systems don't support the injury flag so please get in touch with us here and we can set it directly in SquashLevels. We will need to see evidence as required above.

    How do I reset my password?

    If you're not logged in then go to the Log in/Join page and from there you will see a form to enter your email address for a link to reset your password. If you don't get the email and you've checked your junk folder then please get in touch with us anyway and we'll reset it from our end.

    If you are logged in then you can reset your password directly from Me->My membership.

    I have some results in my history which aren't mine

    Some of the early results don't have IDs for the players so we had to do our best to match names and just initials in some cases. It's possible that some of these aren't right and that we've accidentally merged two players together. Please let us know if you come across a case like this and we'll separate the players again. It can all be sorted - we have the tools.

    I appear twice (or more) on the system

    This is quite common when players change club and get re-added to their local league system. As a result, their subsequent results are entered against their new ID causing SquashLevels to treat them as a different player.

    You should find that the system spots your 'other' player and asks you to let us know if you really are the same person via a form at the top of the player detail page but, even if not, please let us know and we'll merge the two sets of results. It can all be sorted - we have the tools.

    If I change an old result, will it update my level?

    Yes. The levels are recalculated from day one every night so if you change a result it will be taken account of in that process. Obviously if the result you changed was old, it won't have any effect on your current level as it's your most recent few matches that determine that.

    I'm logged on but I can't change my match result

    It's possible that you have a duplicate 'self' on the system and that you're trying to edit your 'other' one. In this case, the system will think you're trying to edit someone else's results and won't let you.

    Please check if you have a duplicate on the system and request a merge if so. Once the players are merged, the system will recognise them as you and allow you to edit any of the results.

    If this isn't the reason you can't edit your own result then please get in touch and we'll find out what's wrong.

    I have results on the system but I don't appear in the rankings

    This is usually caused by the system having low confidence in your level and therefore purposely leaving you out of the rankings.

    Your level confidence can be low because you only have a small number of matches in your history, you don't have recent results or you've had some unexected results. All these factors will reduce your level confidence and if that drops below 20% it is considered too low to include you in the listings by default.

    You can tick the 'confidence' box on the listing page to show level confidence and also un-tick the 'limit by confidence' box to include you and other players with low level confidence on the listing page. Just be aware that players with low confidence levels may not be in the right place in the rankings.

    Why did I suddenly drop out of the rankings?

    The rankings normally show players who have played at or for your club (or region, country or whatever) at least once in the last six months. That keeps them nicely current. Unfortunately, due to COVID and no matches being played, that resulted in no-one being in the rankings at all! To allow for this and to keep some semblence of rankings, we gradually increased that period until it had reached two years!

    Now that people are playing again, our rankings are a mixture of players who are active with recent results but also players who haven't played for anything up to two years. Quite a few of these have either moved clubs or stopped playing and shouldn't really be in the rankings anymore.

    So... from the 14th November 2021, we're going to switch back to a period of six months and that's going to have a dramatic effect on the rankings - they will undoubtedly shrink quite a bit. If you haven't played for more than six months then you will be one of those people no longer listed!

    It's easily fixed - just play a game and record the result and you will be included! Simples....

    Why am I greyed out in the rankings?

    This is usually caused by the system having low confidence in your level but rather than leaving you out of the rankings, it puts you in your rightful position but grayed out. You'll notice that you don't occupy an actual position but you can see where you would be if you did.

    Your level confidence can be low because you only have a small number of matches in your history, you don't have recent results or you've had some unexected results. All these factors will reduce your level confidence and if that drops below 20% it is considered too low to include you in the listings normally.

    I have a result that's not right. How do I fix it?

    All the league and tournament results on SquashLevels are imported automatically from the various league systems so the best place to fix an incorrect result is on the local league system itself. Once corrected, that result will be re-sent to SquashLevels and all will be well.

    To edit your result on SquashLevels, click on the match date in the player history and you will be taken to a page from which you can edit it. Note that; you must be logged on, you must be one of the players and the update will be recorded so we can track who is changing what.

    Failing that, the result can be updated directly on SquashLevels either by us, by your county admin or by you (if you're registered as a member) but, beware, the incorrect result on the local league system could be re-sent and overwrite the corrected result at some point in the future.

    What are the rules for using comments?

    SquashLevels is your social network for squash and you can comment on match results, win streaks, posts and many other types of block on the system. The goal is to give you a chance to recognise, congratulate or maybe have a bit a of banter with your fellow players.

    In order to view and add comments:

    • You must be registered and logged in
    • You must be at least 13 years old and have entered your DoB into your player details. The rules of the internet don't allow unsupervised messaging for under 13s. If you have not entered your DoB you will see a button directing you to your player details page so it's quick and easy to add.

    Please be positive. We don't want to fall into the same trap as 'other social platforms'. This is a bit of fun and a chance for you to engage with your fellow players so let's keep it positive.

    In order to keep it fun and safe we have given you full control over the content:

    • You can add a message to any block that supports messaging.
    • You can reply to any message.
    • You can edit/delete your own messages and replies but not those of others.
    • If you feel that a message is offensive you can report it. That will cause the message to be hidden immediately. It isn't deleted, just hidden from view and the SquashLevels moderators will be able to review the message and take appropriate action. The main point is that you don't have to wait for us to take offensive content down - you can do that.

    This is a new feature for SquashLevels and we want it to be fun and enjoyable. If you have any thoughts or feedback to please let us know.

    How do I take a SquashSkills test?

    To get started, visit the testing section where you will find two tabs; one focused on squash and the other on fitness. You will need to register if you don't already have an account.

    The squash challenges are designed to be very straight forward. Each test is one minute long and requires you to either count the number of consecutive shots you can hit into the target area or the total number of shots that you hit into a target in the one minute time period.

    On the More info page you will find specific instructions as well as an explainer video to guide you through the test.

    You can use the built-in countdown timer which can be accessed by clicking the Take Test button or you can use a stopwatch and enter your results at a convenient time.

    The beep test is available on the website. You may wish to use another version but please do ensure that it is the standard 20 minute test. Note it's two court lengths per beep! The other fitness tests require you to record your times with a stopwatch or tape measure and add your scores to the website.

    Once you have recorded your result you will be able to see your scores in a chart. We have a lot of data relating to the squash testing and provide typical scores based on your level. Once you have done all ten squash tests we even work back and give you a derived, skills-based level you can compare with your actual level. You can play with the expected scores by using the level +/- buttons on the test overview page.

    How can I get my league results on SquashLevels?

    We'd love to include your league results in your history! If they're not already coming over then please ask your league organiser to put us in touch with the providers of your league system. The connection is very easy and can usually be done in a day if they're up for it.

    Once the connection has been made your league results will be automatically pulled every night and your history will be kep up-to-date. Not just yours but everyone who plays in your league!

    This applies to all your matches if they are recorded on an online system. Box matches, tournements, whatever. If you'd like your results on SquashLevels, just ask the system providers to get in touch and we can get them connected.

    I can't find a player on the system

    There aren't any filters on the search page but if you're searching from the rankings page then please check if you have filters set that would exclude the player you are looking for. Click on 'Reset filters' to make sure the filters are off and try again. If you still can't find a player then they are probably not on the system yet.

    There a very large number of players on the system, nearly all added automatically as their results were received from a source league or tournament system. However, not all league and tournament systems feed results to SquashLevels so it's possible that some players have not been added.

    If you would like a player and their results to be added to the system, the best bet is to ask the league or tournament organiser to ask their system provider to get in touch with us and we'll help them set up an automated feed quickly and easily. Feel free to inform us as well via this form so we can follow up. Don't be left out of the fun!

    If you have played a competitive match against the player, and they agree to have that match recorded, then you can record the result on the system yourself and add them that way.

    How can I set up club boxes on SquashLevels?

    Club boxes are automated but you'll need to start with a request to us to set one of your club members up as a club admin. The club admin can then set up the boxes and add all the players directly on the system. If you have a lot of players then we can also get you going if you give us a list of names.

    We will provide a club-wide log-on to allow non-members to enter their own results (there is a charge for this - see the membership page) and then you're off and rolling.

    Some of my results are missing

    Many systems on which competitive results are recorded (boxes, leagues, tournaments) have upload connections to SquashLevels and, in most cases, your results should be sent across automatically every night but there are still a few systems that don't have a connection. The first thing to check is if the system has upload to SquashLevels and you can find that out by asking the event organiser - they should know. If not, do please ask the organiser to ask the appropriate system provider to connect up and we will do our best to make it easy.

    Another posibility is the results have been missed by the source system if, say, they are old results being back-filled/updated. Most systems will send old/updated results through but not all. In this case, please get in touch and we'll have a look. We can always pull historic results using special feeds on request.

    SquashLevels will not accept 'duff' results such as 15-0, 15-0, 15-0 (they cause havoc with the rankings) or dates set in the future so please also check that the result is sensible.

    We keep a history of the results upload from all source systems so should be able to find out why a result hasn't made it over.

    Why have some of my matches have been deleted?

    In general, matches can only be deleted if they were entered by hand and the person doing the deleting is one of the players. The most common reason your match has been deleted is that you played a friendly, had a good result and entered it into SquashLevesl without agreeing to do so with your opponent. You have to remember that a good result for you is likely to be a bad result for them and they will get an email saying they have a new match result so they'll see it straight away!

    The next most common reason for deleting matches is that the system thought it was a duplicated or an updated match. A duplicate match is same players, same date, same result, an updated match is the same but maybe one change such as a different result. Either way, the earlier of the two matches is auto-deleted leaving the the more recently one as the 'official' result.

    And finally, it's worth knowing that admins can also delete results but that's very rare.

    Can I add my own club results?

    Yes. Just register as a member and you'll be able to add 'Club matches' against anyone in your club. You can even add club members if they are not already on the system.

    Can I add my friendly matches too?

    You can, but better if you don't. SquashLevels is a results based system that assesses how well you're playing based on your results and the level of your opponents. If you play a friendly then it's likely you won't be playing a truly competitive match and your level will get dinged. We do allow a range for the better player to play in but if you drop games to someone half your level then you're going to be going down... and, equally bad, your opponents wil be going artificially up.

    We will add a future feature to allow you to enter your results but exclude them from the level calculations (that's really intended for dealing with injuries) but that's not available yet. Watch this space on that one.

    I did well at an event that is not on the system. Can I add those results?

    You can't add them personally as you are restricted to entering club challenges even as a member.

    There is also an issue that if you add your results from a single event then all your opponents suddenly see a single result for the whole event when they know they played three of four matches. That's confusing and usually results in them emailing us. It's particularly unfair if that single result wasn't a good one for them and it causes their level to go down - very annoying if that's your only bad match in the whole tournament yet that's the one on the system. This is what normally happens when one player, who had a great tournament, enters just their own results!

    So the rule is they either all go in or none of them go in.

    It's possible that the results can still go in even if they're not already there. It somewhat depends what system it was run on. If you can find out then please let us know and we may be able to connect with the system developer. Not really feasible if it was run on Excel or bits of paper though.

    Having said that, if someone is prepared to hand enter all the results then we can support that and give then the appropriate admin level to do so.

    I am running a tournament and would like to enter the results

    As a normal user, you can't enter the results for other players but, if you're willing and able to enter the results for a whole tournament then we can make you an admin for a while and that will allow you to enter them.

    First of all tell us when the tournament is and who is entering. That will let us know the scope of the players to be selected - could be club, county, organisation or whatever. We will then set your admin to the right level to match that scope.

    Once you are an admin, you can enter your results using the normal result entry page except you will find you now have a couple more fields to fill in.

    • Match type. Match type is the descriptive name for your matches. A typical example is 'Millbrock Club Open 2022'. If you've used that match type before then you'll find it in the pull-down match type selection but, if not, then you can add it to the system using the adjacent field.
    • Player selection. Now you can select any player within the scope of your admin level. Be careful to select the right player as there are many players on the system with the same name. If you're not sure it might be best to add them new so you don't end up assigning matches to someone who didn't play in your tournamant! For instance if your players are from your club we can set your admin appropriately so you can only select players from your club.
    • If you want to add a new player then just enter their name and they will be added.
    • Date and time. These aren't new fields but because you are entering for multiple players you do need to use these fields to get the order of the matches right. Date is fairly clear but you need to get the time somewhere near right as well so at least the morning matches end up before the afternoon matches!

    Once you've added your first result you can then add another one (with an extra button!) and that will go back round again and pre-populate the repeated fields - match type, date and time. This makes it much easier to enter a lot of results.

    It only takes about 30s to enter a result and it's much easier if you enter them as you go. That will then allow your players to see what's happened to their level throughout the event and that adds quite a lot of extra interest.

    If you're doing that then you might also be interested in our 'Most improved' tournament screen intended for use on a big screen on the wall visible to everyone at the event. This shows the current most improved player over the course of the event (as a leaderboard) and also the best result. This is a great addition to the event as anyone can win it - not the usual suspects. If you're interested in this, do please get in touch.

    My game score has made it across but not my points scores

    Some of the league systems rely on manual results entry and it's not always a set of scores that SquashLevels can interpret. This sort of thing is not uncommon: 9-5,9-69-4 for instance. It could be argued that this sort of result could be pulled apart but, for now, we check for pairs of numbers that are within reasonable limits. This example will fail this check so can't be used.

    If you can correct the score entry on your league system then it will be re-sent to SquashLevels and all will be well.

    I've changed my name and now I have two profiles

    The system takes everything it needs from the results that come in and if you have changed your name (say you got married or maybe just wanted a new name) and your new name is now being used in your new results then you'll probably find you have a new player profile and your account is still pointing to your old one. This is normal and can be corrected!

    The first thing to check is that the name you want to use going forward is being used by the system sending your current results. If not, please ask them to get that sorted first or future results will come in with the wrong name.

    With that sorted, you can go back into your old profile and change your old name to your new one. You can do this because this is the profile linked to your account. It's a good idea to check the 'lock' box to make sure it doesn't get overwritten in case your name is still not spelled exactly right.

    Now look at your old profile again and you should see your new profile offered as a duplicate. It's based on name and level so it should find you. Simply send us a 'yes' to indicate this is a duplicate and we will set your two profiles to merge at the end of the night - just before the nightly processing.

    The reason you end up with a new profile, even if the system sending the results over is reusing your ID is because we have to check that IDs are not being re-used by different players and a significant name change is what we're checking for. Changing your surname is a big enough change to trigger this. Correcting your spelling usually isn't.

    The system has me down for the wrong county

    The system updates player information based on the results that come in. For instance if you play in the Yorkshire leagues for Barnsley it will update your information for both county and club. This will mean you appear under the Yorkshire and Barnsley player listings.

    If, however, you are affiliated to a different county and only want to be listed as a player for that county (for the county rankings) then you can ask your county admin to lock your county so that it isn't updated by new results.

    What personal information does the system store about me?

    It obviously has your name, match results and a calculated level and it has that for everyone on the system. If you register as a member then we also ask for an email address and for you to identify which player on the system you are. That's it. Your password is encrypted before it's put into the database so we have no idea what it is. We also don't send emails out unless we have a query specifically related to you.

    Do you use cookies? If so, what information do they hold?

    Yes, we use cookies. They are tiny files that sit on your computer that tell the system what preferences you've chosen. A good example of this is the default view as the various selections that make up the default view are each held in a cookie. Another example is the news icon. Once you've read the news, that is recorded in a cookie and the icon disappears until next time. The system works without cookies but it won't remember anything about your viewing preferences in that case. At some point we'll add the 'cookie awareness' request pop-up and your response will be remembered... in a cookie.

    There's no personal information, anything to track you with and no advertising or marketing use for them.

    How do I remove myself from the system if I don't want to be listed'?

    We get results from many different source systems so if you have results on one of those we can't really stop them coming across. Also, as your matches are also your opponents' matches they get confused if their results aren't visible and we then receive questions we have to answer which defeats the object of not wanting to be shown in the first place... It just highlights it!

    What we can do is make you disappear so your name and your history are unavailable to anyone on the site. You will not show up in any searches or rankings and your profile will not be visible. If you are registered you can still find your profile but your name will be replaced with 'Name Withheld'. Most importantly, you will not appear in any Google searches once anything they have cached for you expires which usually doesn't take long.

    Another important reason for keeping hold of your data is because, even though it's not visible, we maintain mappings from the source system IDs to SquashLevels IDs. This means that new results coming in will be added to your hidden profile and they will be hidden too. If we delete your data - and therefore your mappings - then the system doesn't know who you are and will create a new, visible, profile for you and you'll be back where you started!

    Please note that the data on the system is harmless - nothing personal is shown - and it's only a repeat of what is already shown on the source league systems (apart from your level history) but we respect your right to not have your name displayed on the internet and can make you disappear very quickly. You don't have to tell us why.

    Of course, if you continue to play and have your results recorded on source league or tournament systems your name and results will still be visible on them. You may need to get in touch with those providers to be removed from those as well - though that is genuinely impractical on these systems as the results need to be posted to run the league/event.

    What is the 'Player of the month'?

    The player of the month is awarded to the player with the greatest improvement in their level compared to the start of the month. We cover two months; most improved over the whole of last month and also most improved so far this month.

    The system records the level at the start of each month for every player during the nightly processing so updates can be delayed by up to 24 hours. There are also two entry criteria for a player to be eligible:

    • They must have played at least 2 matches before the start of the month.
    • They must be above level 200. This might seem unfair to the juniors and beginners but these players typically improve very quickly to start with and they would always win it! Much harder to improve once you've played a few matches.

    We offer a most improved ranking for both your club and your county (links in your footer) and also show most improved winners in your feed and your communities. Glory indeed!

    How do I add SquashLevels to my homescreen?

    SquashLevels is a webapp which means it only runs on a website but that's it's also optimised for your phone. Once you've got your browser going it's very close to looking and feeling like an app and nice and easy to use. The tricky part is to fire up the browser and navigate to the website in the first place.

    To solve that, you can add a shortcut link to your home screen on your phone and then SquashLevels is just a tap away! It's quick and easy to do. Just follow these instructions:

    What is wall mode?

    Use wall mode to set your tablet or PC up so that you can hang it on the wall at your club for instant results entry and easy viewing of the boxes.

    For PCs, it's best if the browser is running in 'kiosk' mode or, for a tablet, running from within a 'kiosk' app. The kiosk mode/app locks down the device so users can't use it as a general purpose browser. Wall mode helps by disabling external links from this site and preventing the generic box user from logging out. If there's no user interaction within the timeout period set in the box configuration, the boxes page is returned to automatically.

    To enable wall mode you must be an admin. Log on as normal and then navigate to your boxes page where you will see the 'enable wall mode' button which will turn wall mode on. It sets a cookie on the device you are using - i.e. the one hanging on the wall. Once wall mode is enabled, log out and then back in again as the generic user we set up for you.

    Since it's not possible to leave wall mode from the wall mode device, you can only disable it by zeroing out the timeout in the configuration from another device as an admin. Note that if the timeout is set to zero, the 'Wall mode' button will not be shown. The default timeout is 60 seconds.

    Testing - What is my derived level?

    There are ten skills tests that each test an area of racket skills that, between them, give quite good coverage of the skills needed in normal match play.

    Based on the testing data from hundreds of players of varying level, we have been able to correlate between a player's level and the score they should expect to get for each test - and also from the test score they get back to their likey level.

    We have been able to scale and map each test score such that we can combine them and work back to a derived, technical level and that it what we show on the testing page once you have completed all ten skills tests.

    It's likely that your dirived level is not the same as your actual level but it's also likely that it's not too far off. The differences are likely to be related to your strength and fitness and also your mental approach to the game but having a derived technical level is an interesting measure in itself.

    For all of your tests, you will have an expected score based on your level. A good starting point is to identify those tests where your actual score is lower than your expected score as those are likely to be good areas for you to work on. If you have better skills, you'll have better results!

    NGB - How do I get ES (England Squash) membership?

    In order to qualify for the ES discount you need to be an activated member of England Squash.

    The first part of this is ES membership. You can either become a member through your club, if it is affiliated, or you can join directly via the ES website. It's a little cheaper through your club so worth asking them first. Once you are a member you will keep that membership for the full year, even if you change clubs.

    To join England Squash direct, click here to visit their player membership page. Here you can also see the other benefits of ES membership.

    The second part is the activation of your ES account. To do this you need to log on to the ES website and provide your contact details. This is usually only needed if you join via a club as you will already have entered the information needed if you joined direct.

    To activate your account, note your log-in details from your ES registration and log-on here You should be guided to complete your details and activate your account.

    You can see the status of your ES number at the top of your profile page. You should see something like ES0123456-A in your player summary. In this case the -A shows that your ES number is activiated. If it shows -V then the number is valid but not activated whereas -X is expired and -I is invalid.

    Once you have activated your ES memberhsip you will automatically qualify for either free SquashLevels England membership or for a significant discount off SquashLevels Gold and Platinum membership. For that, you will need to register on SquashLevels (for free) and then add your ES number to your player data if it's not already there. Use the three dots at the top of your profile page to get to your player admin page where you can add your ES number as well as update your other player details.

    Note that the system checks your name and number over the ES API so if you're sure your number is valid but it's still showing invalid then please check that your name on SquashLevels is the same as the name ES have recorded for you.

    See the section below to find out how your ES number may already be associated with your player details.

    NGB - Where did my ES (England Squash) membership number come from?

    Many of the England Squash supported systems include your ES membership number along with your results and that is picked up and added to your profile information as your results come in.

    If your ES membership number is wrong then you can correct it along with your other player details by clicking on the three dots near the top of your profile page which will take you to your player admin page. If you have had to correct your ES number it's probably a good idea to also lock it so it doesn't update as future results come in. It would also be a good idea to have your ES number corrected on the system providing the results.

    NGB - Why are my England Squash Junior results not on SquashLevels?

    Unfortunately, we don't have a formal link with Club Locker at the moment and the manual effort required by ES staff to generate the data in the format needed is prohibitive. We have received results intermittently in the past but this is going to be increasingly difficult going forward. At the moment we don't have a solution to this.

    England Squash don't have visibilty of the value of this feed to the juniors and parents so, if you feel strongly that this feed should be set up more formally, then do please get in touch with them and let them know your thoughts.

    NGB - How do I join Wales Squash?

    In order to qualify for the Welsh Squash discount you need to play in the Welsh leagues and be Welsh!

    There are entry requirements to join the leagues requiring a Wales Squash ID. Please contact the league organiser for more details.

    NGB - How do I join Squash Bond NL?

    Anyone can become a member of Squash Bond Nederland, even if you are not a member of a squash club. You can choose from three variants of memberships: Basic membership up to and including 18 years, basic membership 18+ or competition member.

    See the Squash Bond NL membership page for details and to join.

    NGB - How do I join Swedish Squash?

    In order to qualify for the Swedish Squash discount you need to be a member of Swedish Squash and we need to have you on our list of Swedish Squash players which is sent to us by your federation. If you are a member of Swedish Squash but are not being offered the discount, please ask your federation to update us with your details.

    Admin - how do I correct player details?

    From the player's history page you should see an edit button at the top. From the edit page you can change those player details based on your admin level. If you need to change a detail that appears to be unchangeable then please contact us. We can change the information or bump your admin level up so that you can do it yourself.

    Admin - how do I adjust a player's starting level?

    The system does its best to work out a player's starting level based on their first match and then, afterwards, may adjust it if it doesn't look right. In most cases, you can leave the system to do its thing but that can take time and that's no good if players are in the wrong place in the rankings and that's causing trouble.

    A player's starting level is included as part of their details and you can edit it on the same page. See above section on how to edit a player's details. You may have to scroll down to find the starting level field. Also note that you can change it but you can also set it 'manually' such that the system won't come back and change it again.

    If the player has played a few matches then the starting level is less significant to their current level. This is only really useful to do if the player is new to the system and their first match wasn't representative.

    Admin - how do I add the results for an event?

    We have a rule that says; either enter all the results for an event or none of them. This is because, if we enter the results for just one player, that player's opponents are all going to have one match each from the whole event and that will confuse them! This causes them to ask for their own results to be added and so on until we have to enter the whole event just to not be bombarded by queries!

    If you want to enter a whole event then we will support you. We can make you an admin for a period of time that will give you the access you need to enter results for other players against a match type that you can also add. Examples of match type would be "Surrey Closed 2021" or "Springfield Junior Open 2022" for instance. They are effectively the name of your event and that appears at the top of the match result block.

    Once you have your admin access, just use the "Result" link as usual to add a result but now you will see more options:

    If the match type is one that you've used before or is already on the system then use the pull-down selection on the left (left red cross). This is quite a long list these days but have a look and see if it's there. If it is then you can select it, if not then add a new one using the field on the right.

    Once you've selected or entered the match type then set the date (and time if you can - this is mainly needed for those who play more than once in a day), select the players and enter the result. If the player is new, just type their name in. Please don't select a different player with the same name!

    When you add the result (there's an ADD button at the bottom) it will show you the match result page with the newly calculated levels and give you a button add the bottom of the page to enter another one which will be pre-populated with the match type and date of the previous one to save you a bit of typing.

    It's easiest if you enter the results as you go along as it spreads the load, the time looks after itself *and* it means you can use the most improved tournament screen as you go. Here's an example for the current US Open. It's like a second, parallel event that usually rewards the lesser players for their improvement throughout the event. The usual suspects (who always win the event) don't usually win this one!

    Admin - how do I correct match results?

    Click on the review button in the match block and scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see an edit result button. The button will indicate what level of admin rights you have and will take you to the results entry page for that result where you can edit it.

    Within the edit match page you will be able to edit the match details based on your admin level. If you are unable to edit the details you need then you may not have the right admin level. In this case please get in touch with us and either we can make the changes for you or we'll bump up your admin level so you can make the changes yourself.

    Admin - how do I record an injury?

    Use the edit match results page (see question above) and click on the icon with the injured man so that it toggles on. Select the injured player and click on update and the match will be excluded from the level calculations. If you just want to exclude a particlar match (but not delete it) then you can toggle both injured icons just to show it wasn't really an injured player.

    Note that the injured flag comes over with the results from League Master or badsquash in which case an injury needs to be recorded on that system, not SquashLevels.

    Be aware that injuries are contentious and as an admin you take responsibility for that decision. Sometimes it's not that obvious as maybe the player soldiered on and completed the match. In this case, the other player probably got a level increase from that match which they will lose if you record the injury. You might need to be prepared to justify your decision! Please see the user-focused question on recording injuries above.

    Admin - how do I find and merge duplicate players?

    As an admin, there are several ways to actively find duplicate players.

    • Players with the same name and similar level are offered as duplicates at the top of a player's history page. Just select 'Yes' and register the request as any other user would.
    • When entering the name of a player in the 'Search player' box of any of the rankings pages you will be offered a list of player names that match the name snippets entered. E.g. k r n smith will identify all of Keiran, Kieren, Karan etc. If there are 5 or less matching players offered, you will have a red link to click that enters a merge request for all the players listed. Very useful for requesting merges when their names are misspelled.
    • Look for similar names in similar positions in the rankings. They could well be from the same club but appear to be playing in a different county. That's quite common!
    • County admins - Use the Admin->Find duplicate players page. This page checks every player in the system against every player in your county and offers a link to merge them. This link will not be available if the players appear to have played for different clubs on the same date - as that suggests they are different players. The link can be revealed if you are certain.
    • If you know of a duplicate player but his/her name is misspelled then you can edit that player's name and then return to the player's history page and the duplicate should be offered at the top of the page. You can request a merge from there.
    • Once a merge has been requested, it will appear listed on the Admin->Show user merge requests page. This page offers links to merge these players and also to analyse the combined player's histories to help verify if they are duplicates or not.

    Admin - how do I change club names or consolidate two clubs that are really the same?

    This is something we need to do from our end but we need your help to identify them so please let us know if you're aware of duplicate clubs or misspelled clubs. Note there are a few clubs that are the same but appear in different counties. For now we're keeping those separate so they show up correctly in the rankings. At some point we'll work out a clever way of combining them!

    Admin - how can I see what my player's ES membership numbers are?

    Quite a few of the source systems also supply ES membership numbers with the results during the updates each night and these can be viewed either in the player's history page or by selecting the check box 'ES numbers' at the top of the rankings pages. Note that only the appropriate admins can see a player's ES membership number.

    The system checks the membership number against the ES database so can tell if the number is valid, invalid or expired. It only does this when needed (when the pages are viewed) and only does it once per week maximum to reduce the number of accesses to the ES database.

    Very useful for checking if your league players are members of ES - which they should be.